Visit us at:
2206 Rte 79
Harpursville, NY 13787
between Windsor and Harpursville
shop hours: Thurs.- Sat. 11-5

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A busy Labor Day weekend

I thought for sure everyone would be having too much fun with  their get togethers to come to Buttercup- I was wrong. It turned out to be the best weekend ever! Customers brought friends and family as "the something to do" when the food ran out.  Everybody had fun trying on jewelry, hats and scarves and making their Christmas requests. Style is beginning to emerge here in this sleepy little town. I love to see the smiling faces when a simple pair of earrings can brighten a persons day. I always feel so good when someone really likes something I make and is willing to pay money for it! It was very exciting to sell one of my wreaths it gives me an excuse to make another.
But- all work and no play makes the maniacal maker a dull girl so it was wonderful to see my brother and sister in law with our nephew (David, Paivi & Thomas). We took them to see  a newborn filly( Fancy Pants) at our friends horse farm and after they left we spent the rest of the day just relaxing on the porch in our new (old) $10 rocking chairs. We now have 15 rockers- I know a little crazy but who could resist $10 antique rockers. Hope your holiday was good - until next time.
p.s. The roof is finished and the big news is David and Paivi are expecting ( we're hoping for a little filly this time)